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Author Topic: Class Grouping  (Read 5217 times)

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Class Grouping
« on: July 19, 2017, 06:16:09 am »
Well, I'm new on this board, and have never really scripted before. I have just created a trick of the trade. Instead of being one of four classes, in my Alpha called HIERARCHY, would you like to be a Magical Class? No problem, just choose Outlander or Embermage! Instead of being a magical character, would you enjoy taking on the big jobs and carrying the best weapons & armor in game? No problem! Just choose a Martial Class, either an Engineer or the Berserker. Either way, you can be Any Class! All with the click of a button. BUT! (and that's a big but), I need Beta testers in order to get through Phase II: including all the weapons currently in-game in this new mod. They all need to be either one, the other, a specific character's item requirement, or any (or no requirement). That takes time and attention from others' input driven comments. Please allow me time to get back to you as I think this mod idea is more than just a topic. It's a game changer!

For info, see:
&/or to be a Beta Tester, just shoot me a pm here on this forum.

So, how do you guys feel about this? Is this a good change to the game?
Would you like to see more? How about pics... and what of? New classes and such?

All right, in nomine pace.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 10:14:19 am by Etherhead »

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Re: Class Grouping
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2017, 04:12:36 am »
Hey there,
I've been following your mod on discord and steam as you've been working to get the hierarchy system in place.
It looks like a very big project and so far you've shown a great deal of dedication (not to mention skill) to get it working  :)

In all honesty a question I keep asking myself about it is simply why? I'm totally not trying to be a smart ass or anything, I'd just love to know your thoughts and motivation for doing this.

i.e. Is it a case of "I just want to push my skills to the limit" (which of course is a more than valid reason in itself) or do you see an overall benefit for the game as a whole by making these changes? I feel like there must be some possibilities that will be unlocked that I'm just not seeing.

In short, what is the "Big Picture" you have in mind?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2017, 05:18:19 am by Aherin »


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Re: Class Grouping
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2017, 02:32:55 pm »
That's a good question, and deserves an equally good answer.

First of all, this game is to me, no more than Diablo 2.5 under a different flagship. I'd like that to change. It can't really compete with Diablo III, although it probably does hold a candle to it (no pun intended). What I would like to see it do is outshine its spiritual predecessor.

I'll try to put it this way: I love this game. I want to take it to the next level, and do so in a way that I find as pleasing as a would-be game developer does on his own first title. While this is the biggest project I've ever taken on as this sort, I do intend to take FULL ADVANTAGE OF the Editor... because GUTS is essentially an OGRE-Engine Clone. This is my basic answer; I'm working on VIP in order to take full advantage of GUTS. But, that isn't everything. My VISION is grand, a larger picture than the game is, itself, currently. But, that isn't easy, and OGRE isn't an Easy Engine to TOP. Guts takes awhile, it's tricky, and handles rather clunky compared to what it could be (bearing in mind - it's only 32-bit).

So, that leaves just one thing I'm trying to do with VIP: make an Expansion worthy User-produced Modification. That is my aim and it is literally a long shot. I may give up, I may quit, I may not find the talent I need to work with me or the help I need to see my own mod integrate multiple mods within its structural system... but I will try, and try my best.

Short answer: to test whether I am better than the tools I have. I've always wanted to be a game developer. I am 36 years-old and have never started a real project before, only theorized, planned to, and/or stated it. Now, I have the time, resources, and a great co-developer (my girlfriend).

This mod will take Torchlight back to its Diablo clone roots, and make the ultimate, realistic, creative ARPG. I've even pondered actually cutting the project from the Steam Workshop and drawing up my own game. I believe in Runic Games, though, and their community believes in me... therefore, they must believe in me. So, finally, I will make the mod they would be, if they weren't burnt out, too busy to expand TL2, or simply working hard on other games (they are a multi-title company now after all, NOT JUST TORCHLIGHT! :D

I want to carry the torch as a leader of mod makers if I may. Short and sweet.


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Re: Class Grouping
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2017, 04:58:20 pm »
I think Aherin's right.  It's important to ponder the why for a good long while.  Then the what.  Then the when and the how and the who.  In the meantime, it might be good to spend some time just learning GUTS and seeing what's possible with it and what isn't.


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Re: Class Grouping
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2017, 06:28:17 pm »
I think Aherin's right.  It's important to ponder the why for a good long while.  Then the what.  Then the when and the how and the who.  In the meantime, it might be good to spend some time just learning GUTS and seeing what's possible with it and what isn't.

Well, I'm of the same mind as its developers. Currently, I've been learning as I go, but what it can/cannot do seems secondary to what I can do.

While I can only do what I know how to do, there are in fact certain unknown limits within GUTS itself; I've encountered a few, but I intend to break them. That is my why.

How? That's a tough question... and probably best left for a future topic, but I have an overall view of games.

A game isn't just a game. It is always a second life. That means scripting/coding/art direction/and everything are similar to life skills. They require them, and enrich you through the process. That process is development. So, I'm improving myself through developing a mod for a wonderful game, because I am a wonderful person (same as all of you!) and that's my final answer.


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Re: Class Grouping
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2017, 03:28:45 am »
Hey Ether thanks for taking the time to explain where you're coming from - it makes things much clearer for me. I really respect that you still see such potential in Torchlight 2, as do all of us who have stuck around all this time :)

Whilst I can't say I'll be able to commit much time to modding soon (Got a second child on the way :D), I will definitely watch your progress and I wish you all the best with it. I may be able to do some casual testing for you, at least from time to time if that helps.

Keep up the good work!


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