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Author Topic: Classless Character Mod  (Read 25809 times)

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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #105 on: February 18, 2019, 04:20:55 am »
hey i gotta head on home (am at the office lol) will catch up in abit - and thanks again!


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #106 on: February 18, 2019, 04:33:44 am »

Ok i think i can follow that. Bt i cant see how to control "chaining" with that method, like the missile can choose a next target pretty easily but how do you tell your teleport to follow there?

you dont lol, thats why its a "fake version" it just gives the effect.
although i created a modified version of my failed skill and ended up with something pretty decent though, its the skill called razor step in my shadowmaster mod

basically its just a single use skill that dashes you to a nearby target within 10m, the targeting is really inaccurate though, but if you select something it focuses only on that single target and makes you dash through it over and over
but if you dont select any target you just fly off into the nearest monster (and sometimes miss it lol)

i set the cast speed to be really fast so when you use it multiple times(hold the button) it looks like your flying around and through everything

ill try upload a video or make a gif so its easier to understand lol
« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 04:58:12 am by TwinkleToes »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #107 on: February 18, 2019, 04:47:00 am »
woo heres the preview, 1st part is the skill on its "focused" mode 2nd part is when i dont target anything and i just fly off to random monsters

maybe a channeled version of this concept could be better eg. you could give it a minimum channel time to guarantee at least X amount of casts, haven't tried yet but it could possibly make it smoother.
oh and i want to see epoch's version, sound pretty crazy tbh and i want to see if i can get anything out of it :D
« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 04:58:42 am by TwinkleToes »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #108 on: February 18, 2019, 06:40:38 am »
Hooboy da boss is back! Thx for sharing that Twinkle! It looks REALLY good no doubt, but i think the targeting has to be more reliable to make it really useful.

About Epoch's method - id love to try it too bcos I never got around to getting the working files from him :P so all i really have is a description from a discord post from him about it.

But i just thought of a variation - what if u spawn say 3 pullers all at once, 1 per monster hit by a damageshape, and have them pull you one after the other. Well its either that or each spawn pulls AND THEN summons the next puller. Dang i dont have the time to test this tonight, gotta get up early tomorrow  >:(


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #109 on: February 18, 2019, 06:46:12 am »
Wait wait wait! Maybe this could use OedipusTex's "chained skills" method! Gotta think through all the possibilities  :'(


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #110 on: February 18, 2019, 07:11:09 am »
thanks lol
yea, the targeting is messy, its better used as a targeted attack, the auto targeting is just icing on the cake lol.

But i just thought of a variation - what if u spawn say 3 pullers all at once, 1 per monster hit by a damageshape, and have them pull you one after the other. Well its either that or each spawn pulls AND THEN summons the next puller. Dang i dont have the time to test this tonight, gotta get up early tomorrow  >:(

so basically you create movement points then have them activate in sequence to move your dude, sound extremely finicky and very prone to being broken imo, eg if your movement points are at different elevations or the damage shapes which pulls you fails to hit you etc.

also biggest problem i see with using the pull effect is that when your being pulled you still have collision, so if your in the thick of a battle with lots of monsters you end up just colliding with all the random bodies moving around you not to mention random terrain, so it breaks the whole move fast through everything effect.

maybe using the Teleport effect would be more test friendly, ive never used it much outside of a single skill for plaugelord though, might have to play around with it more

there is also the swap pos with pet effect, ive never used and played around with it, but it could be a solution , at first glance though i have no idea how it exactly works, there is a property tag inside it called pet index, which i assume is what is used to determine which pet to swap positions with.

anyway gnight :D

« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 07:42:27 am by TwinkleToes »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #111 on: February 18, 2019, 07:07:18 pm »
Quote from: TwinkleToes
...biggest problem i see with using the pull effect is that when your being pulled you still have collision

ooh look what i found in one of the monster .ANIMATION files...

Code: [Select]

Quote from: TwinkleToes
so basically you create movement points then have them activate in sequence to move your dude, sound extremely finicky and very prone to being broken imo, eg if your movement points are at different elevations or the damage shapes which pulls you fails to hit you etc.
yes finicky for sure. how about we hybrid the missile and teleport effects - have a missile go between the multiple targets (and deal the damage?) but the player mesh is teleported straight to (or pulled by) the last target?

Quote from: TwinkleToes
there is also the swap pos with pet effect, ive never used and played around with it, but it could be a solution , at first glance though i have no idea how it exactly works, there is a property tag inside it called pet index, which i assume is what is used to determine which pet to swap positions with.
I forgot about that but it sounds like a one-time thing to me. similar to my first question about the "missile option" how do you retarget?

Will try to sneak-in some coding here at work lel
« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 07:09:22 pm by Phanjam »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #112 on: February 18, 2019, 08:13:21 pm »
ooh look what i found in one of the monster .ANIMATION files...
hmmm, ive played around with this feature quite a bit, it doesnt work for looping animations rip, but maybe it could work for this, the animation would have to be very long(lasting longer than the time it takes to pull from point A > B > C), something very timing specific since movement from point to point is variable, this needs testing too.

yes finicky for sure. how about we hybrid the missile and teleport effects - have a missile go between the multiple targets (and deal the damage?) but the player mesh is teleported straight to (or pulled by) the last target?
i was thinking the same lol, seems like the most sensible way to go about with this, now this could actually work really well with what i mentioned above, since your only doing 1 pull effect.

I forgot about that but it sounds like a one-time thing to me. similar to my first question about the "missile option" how do you retarget?
no idea since ive never actually used it, i was thinking the "pet index" stores all the values of your pets, so if you summon dummy pets as spawn points you can locate them with pet index 2, 3, 4 etc. pet index 1 would be your perma pet obviously, biggest issue with this is if you summon other pets then the pet index would get all messed up, just my theory, dont know how it actually works, maybe it doesnt even work at all lol, there is a bunch of effects in there that seems like vestiges eg. the aggro effect.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 08:15:03 pm by TwinkleToes »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #113 on: February 19, 2019, 12:58:06 am »
Okay i tried finishing the CURSE SKILL 'cos i thought that would be a quick-win.

But i was kinda wrong :P I got it to work using a TRIGGERABLE put on the target which will make the target proc a skill on itself when hit by the player.  BUT the pet attacking the target also triggers the proc skill! So I guess using "FILTER SELF: True" which requires the triggerable owner to be part of the action as one of the trigger conditions, only works if the owner is the player!

Also i didnt find a simple way to remove the TRGGERABLE yet.  So i cheated and made the proc skill require a UNITTHEME on the target, and made that theme last only a few seconds.  it works and the skill wont proc without the theme, but yeah it's still a cheat - i really should remove the triggerable. :o

I think i'll shift to trying to code with your suggestion @TwinkleToes of using a STATWATCHER instead.  I kinda know how this triggerable method could go, so now i wanna see if the statwatcher method comes out to be simpler ;)


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #114 on: February 19, 2019, 03:49:31 am »
hmm you could do it the other way round too i think

1st your curse skill only has to give a stat to whatever you cast it on

then instead of making a transfer on struck effect you give yourself an on hit effect, you then add stat watchers to that trigger skill to check if what your hitting has the curse stat

essentially works the same way but its easier to manage and you have more options with the triggered skill since it originates from you.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 03:51:36 am by TwinkleToes »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #115 on: February 20, 2019, 11:28:16 pm »
woot! the CURSE SKILL is working now (whew!) will just refine particles and such, BUT i also wanna check out one thing @TwinkleToes ...

i have used code which aims to limit the ability to cast the proc to 10 seconds, in 2 places...

1. in the CAST ON STRIKE affix, with a <STRING>DURATION:10 setting, and

2. in the STAT which gets put on the cursed target, which is supposed to decrement at -1 every second (the SET STAT AFFIX wh1ch puts the stat on the target sets it to '10' at the start, so supposedly it should be '0' after 10 seconds)

I just wanna be sure i've done the STAT itself the right way, so here's the code...

Code: [Select]

does this look right?


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #116 on: February 20, 2019, 11:45:09 pm »

yep that looks about right
i always check back on this if i feel like i got something wrong with stats

try msg me on discord for the little stuff, im in there lurking lol

« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 11:48:11 pm by TwinkleToes »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #117 on: February 20, 2019, 11:55:34 pm »
Quote from: TwinkleToes
yep that looks about right
i always check back on this if i feel like i got something wrong with stats
yuss, thanks! and thanks mucho for that link / it'll come in handy!

Quote from: TwinkleToes
try msg me on discord for the little stuff, im in there lurking lol
a-HA! :D ok thanks will do
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 12:25:14 am by Phanjam »


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Re: Classless Character Mod
« Reply #118 on: March 31, 2019, 06:47:45 am »
1st part is the skill on its "focused" mode 2nd part is when i dont target anything and i just fly off to random monsters

Hey @TwinkleToes is this Razor Step as it is in Shadow Master, or is it a modified version for this vid?


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